Several years ago my two young children, my husband and I
were traveling in the car. The traffic was heavy and my husband was tense at
the wheel. The kids were giggling and playing in the back seat and in
frustration my husband said “will you kids please be quiet so I can focus on
the traffic”. The kids responded by lowering their voices and playing in a less
rowdy fashion. Their father became more agitated and said, “Quiet down NOW!”
The children lowered their voices a bit more and continued to giggle and play.
Their stressed father then turned around and yelled “I said BE QUIET!!!,
at which point the shocked children stopped talking completely and the mood in
the car was incredibly tense.
What happened here was a failure to communicate. When my
husband used the word “quiet” he meant silent,
but our children interpreted it to mean less
volume. A very uncomfortable situation was caused by the lack of a common word
Often when people communicate they think they’re having a
meeting of the minds, and later discover there was no connection at all.
Situations such as this can be avoided if we use a few simple techniques. The first is to realize that both
participants in a conversation have a role to play.
Communication is a two-way street and the roles of both speaker and listener are equally
important. There are several things
each can do to insure that the process of delivering and receiving information
flows smoothly.
Both participants must be mentally present and pay
attention. Pay attention to the conversation instead of being distracted by
things around you, thinking about how you’ll respond, or wondering what you’ll
have for dinner.
Both participants should be aware of their body language.
Studies have shown that over 75% of communication is nonverbal. Things such as
eye contact, tone of voice, facial expression and how you hold your arms, all
communicate your level of interest. To
facilitate good communication, both speaker and listener must maintain good eye
contact, use a pleasant tone of voice, make sure their body is in an “open”,
friendly position, and smile and nod to indicate they are on the same page.
Be sure to give feedback to each other. This may be non-verbally, as we just
mentioned, or spoken. The listener can clarify word definitions or ask
questions if something is unclear. The speaker can define words that might be
confusing or misunderstood, and ask if there are questions or if clarification
is needed.
Both speaker and listener must be aware that
communication happens on at least two levels. There is the content level, which is the literal meaning of the spoken words,
and there is the process level, which
refers to the feelings beneath the words. In the situation with my husband and
children, the content was that he wanted them to be quiet. The process was that
he was tense and stressed with the traffic situation and needed their help in
coping with it. If the listener is aware of both levels it will add to his/her
understanding of what the speaker is conveying, and can help him/her respond in
the most appropriate way.
When the process and content are not congruent it’s
important for the listener to pick up on this and ask about what’s really
going on.
Both participants can also further communication by
summarizing what they are saying or hearing, and giving occasional feedback to
each other to insure they’re both on the same track.
The speaker must be specific and brief about what s/he’s
saying. We’ve all known people who tend to ramble and add unnecessary details
when they talk. They are usually difficult to understand. A good speaker
follows the rule "Be Brief, Be
Bold, and Be Gone!”
So, when you interact with others, are you effectively
communicating or just talking? Do you clarify?
Are you fully present, using positive body language, defining your words
and giving feedback? Do you listen fully and with an open mind?
When you make the effort to communicate clearly your
relationships will suddenly become easy and uncomplicated.
It’s something to
think about.
Please comment so
others can benefit from your wisdom and experience.
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