Tuesday, January 3, 2017

What Do You Expect?

While talking with my friend Sam I mentioned how excited I am about the coming year, and all the amazing, wonderful things it will bring.

Sam looked at me like I was crazy, and said, “How can you know that?  What if it brings difficult challenges and unhappy circumstances?”  What then?

I realized that Sam is like many people who don’t know that they are in charge of most of what happens in their lives.  Sam always felt he was at the mercy of the fates, and would deal with whatever comes when it comes.  However, he felt powerless to impact it.

This is a very reactive approach, and when Sam thinks like this he gives away all his power over what happens in his life.  Sam is putting himself in the role of being a victim, which in turn makes him unhappy, feeling unfulfilled, and rarely accomplishes what he hopes will happen.

On the other hand, the most successful people I know take the opposite approach.  They believe that the things they think about, focus on, and work towards, will become reality.  They expect to find the good, and amazingly, that is what they find.

This is a proactive approach in which they are visualizing and creating the outcomes they want.  They make things happen in their lives by believing they can, and then taking the steps to insure that they will.

Even if something difficult arises, these successful people know they are still in charge of how they react to it.  It’s their choice whether to let it get them down, or use it as a springboard to make them stronger.

As you have probably guessed, I’m one of those folks who look for, and always find, the good.  It works for me, and always makes my life more fun and allows me to feel fulfilled and blessed.

So, what kind of year do you want 2017 to be, and how will you approach it to make it happen?

Please comment, and share with us how you take care of yourself.  Your thoughts could be just the inspiration someone else needs.

Because I want to support you as you grow, I’m offering a FREE Coaching Call to talk about how to create the reality you want.  Just Click Here to send me an email.  Be sure to put FREE CALL in the subject line.

If you’d like to learn more about how to take care of yourself and make amazing things happen in your life, Click Here.


  1. It's SO true! The quality of your life depends on the filter through which you see it... FIND THE GOOD!

  2. Thank you SChristine! So pleased you enjoy the post. I really appreciate your feedback.
