Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Don't Push the River!

“Don’t push the river!”  This phrase jumped out at me from my morning newspaper, and I had to smile.  Of course, it’s exactly right, and is just what I need to think about this week. 

So often in my life I see things moving in the direction I want them to go, but they always seem to be going too slowly. Once I know the destination, I want to speed ahead at 100 miles an hour so I can get there quickly.  Forgetting that a very important part of the process is the journey, and all the things that will happen along the way that will prepare me to arrive at the destination.

I know that on a larger scale everything is under control and that things always unfold in their own way and their own time.  If I rush them or try to bypass any of the steps, the outcome won’t be the same.  It’s impossible to ‘push a river’ to make it go faster.  It flows at it’s own speed, sometimes slowly and sometimes roaring along, and reaches it’s destination when it’s ready. Trying to push it is totally ineffective and an exercise in frustration.

However, knowing this and being patient enough to live it are two different things. The quote in my newspaper was the reminder I needed to take a deep breath, step back, trust the process and once again allow things to unfold.

It’s something to think about.

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