Tuesday, July 31, 2018

How Do You Love?

Yesterday I broke a crystal vase that was important to me.  It was given to me by someone I love, and I was really upset with my clumsiness.

My husband, seeing my distress, was soothing and calm, and said, “Let me see what I can do with this.”  While I continued to rant at myself, he quietly took the pieces away, worked his magic and made it like new again.

When he brought it back to me his face was filled with sweetness, and it occurred to me that this repaired vase was a gift of love.

I began thinking about all the ways he shows me he loves me. Words are nice, but his actions speak volumes, and I’m so very blessed to have him in my life.

I then thought of a woman I know who complains that her husband and children don’t love her.  She says they never say it, and she feels that nobody cares.  However, when I look at her family I realize that there is a lot of love being given.  She just doesn’t recognize it so doesn’t know how to receive it.

When her husband goes to work at a job he doesn’t like, so that she can do what she wants, which is stay home and raise the children, that’s a gift of love.  When her adolescent son offers to pick up something at the store so she won’t have to pack up the smaller kids to go out, that is his way of telling her he loves her.

Love is all around us, but we’re often like my friend who expects it to come in a specific form.  When it doesn’t, we miss it and feel unloved.

After this experience I’m reflecting on the importance of  being aware of ALL the ways people show me love, and being happy and grateful to receive it in whatever form it’s given.

How about you?

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