Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Are You Frustrated?

Are you frustrated with the way your life is going?  Would you like things to be different in some areas, and are struggling because they stay the same?

If so, I’d like to tell you about my friend David.  David is a middle manager in a large company.  The last time I saw him he talked about his frustration with how things at work are done, and all the reasons he can’t change them.  As a middle manager he has some power to control his department, but not to change the company policies he disagrees with.

After he vented, we looked at the reality of what was going on for him. David realized that feeling frustrated is a “red flag emotion” that lets him know he is feeling powerless and not in control.  “Red-flag emotions” are feelings we experience to let us know how we are reacting to our environment.

As with all “red-flag emotions”, the first step is to acknowledge its message.  Once you do that you have the power to decide what to do about its cause, and let go of the feeling.

Most of the time, frustration is a signal that you’re feeling a loss of power. It's an indication that you feel blocked in some way and are not in control of what's happening.

So, if you’re feeling frustrated, the thing to do it is to find a way to regain some kind of control.  Like David, you might not have the power, authority or ability to impact the entire situation, but you always have the power to choose how you want to feel about and deal with it.  When you let go of the feeling, you will recognize that there is usually some way to do things differently, or rearrange your perspective and goals.

David acknowledged that he was powerless to impact the entire corporate culture.  However, he also realized that he has power over how he chooses to feel about and react to it.  He has the power to choose what to do in his immediate department.  He decided to take action by sharing his thoughts with his boss, and then put his energy into his department, empowering his staff, and feeling powerful instead of victimized.  Rather than focus on what he can’t change, he looked at what he can do, and found ways to impact the situation positively.

Most importantly, David realized he always has the power to choose how he reacts to a situation.  He can choose his feelings and decide what he wants to do about it. Then he can make decisions about how to proceed.  Taking action will help him let go of the frustration, because he will no longer feel powerless.

I'm wondering if there a situation in your life that is causing you frustration because it’s not within your power to change?  You may want to ask yourself what aspects of it, including how you choose to feel about it, you can control, and then do that.  As you take control and move ahead, you can let go of the frustration.

When you feel frustrated it helps to remember that:
  • Frustration is a sign you’re feeling powerless or not in control.
  • Frustration tells you something is not working as you want or planned.
  • To relieve frustration, take action if you have the power/ability/authority, or do what you can and then let the situation go.
  • Remember that you always have the power to choose how you feel about a situation.  It can always be an opportunity or a disaster, however you want to define it.
  • Always know that confronting and overcoming frustration will add to your self-esteem and sense of personal power. 
Even though it might not feel like it, YOU DO have the power to overcome your frustration.

If you’d like learn how to take control of your life so frustration doesn’t control it, talking with Sandy can help.  In order to support you, she is offering you a FREE Coaching Call.  Email her at Sandy@insidejobscoach.com and put COACHING CALL in the Subject line and she will get back to you soon.
Sandy will always connect with you within 24 hours, so if you don’t hear from her please check your SPAM filter.

Also, if you’d like to rediscover the amazing person you’ve always been, check out this incredible program: Feeling Good About You Breakthrough program

Sandra Abell is a best selling author, speaker, Licensed Counselor, and life and business coach. She is the author of the best selling books, FeelingGood About You and Moving Up To Management, and is the creator of the amazing Feeling Good About You Breakthrough program. You can visit Sandy on her website at www.insidejobscoach.com.

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